AG Nominee Gordon Rhea Commends V.I. Superior Court Ruling in Cybersecurity Mon Ethos Pro Support Case

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Virgin Islands Department of Justice AG Nominee, Gordon Rhea issued the following Statement Thursday praising the V.I. Superior Court’s ruling in the cybersecurity Mon Ethos Pro Support Case and the order to return electronic devices which includes evidence in ongoing criminal cases.

“On Thursday, August 9th, The Superior Court issued a ruling on our motion for a Temporary Restraining Order in the Mon Ethos litigation. At our request, the Court has ordered Mon Ethos to return the phones, tablets, and other items given to it by the Virgin Islands Police Department for forensic analysis and to refrain from deleting or damaging those items, many of which contain evidence in pending criminal cases, as they had threatened to do.

“This is an important victory for the Department of Justice and the people of the Virgin Islands.”
