Category Archives: Press Release

DOJ: Curtis Williams Sentenced To 10 Years Of Imprisonment For Unlawful Possession Of A Firearm

U.S. Virgin Islands – Virgin Islands Attorney General Gordon C. Rhea announced today that 36-year-old Curtis Williams of St. Croix has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for the unlawful possession of a firearm. The sentencing held on March 14, 2025, was handed down by V.I. Superior Court Judge Ernest Morris. In addition to his prison sentence, Williams was fined $10,000 and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $83,599.18 for medical expenses incurred by the victim.

V.I. Department of Justice Staff to Enhance Skills with Upcoming NAGTRI Training Sessions

U.S. Virgin Islands – V.I. Attorney General Gordon C. Rhea AG is pleased to announce that staff from the V.I. Department of Justice will be taking part in the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) Trial Techniques and Investigative Skills course, which will be held on St. Croix on March 17 and 18, and on St. Thomas on March 20 and 21.

AG Gordon Rhea Announces Limited Services Due to Employee Training at DOJ in St. Croix & St. Thomas Districts

U.S. Virgin Islands – Attorney General Gordon C. Rhea informs the public that the Virgin Islands Department of Justice (DOJ) Office in the St. Croix District will be providing limited services on Monday, March 17, and Tuesday, March 18, 2025. During this time, most of the staff will be participating in a National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) training. The St. Thomas DOJ office will remain open and operate during regular business hours.

DOJ: Leon Swan Sentenced to Maximum Term for Unauthorized Possession of Body Armor and Ammunition

U.S. Virgin Islands – V.I. Attorney General Gordon C. Rhea, Esq. announces that Leon Swan, 46, of St. Thomas, was sentenced to the maximum term of nine (9) years in prison for Unauthorized Possession of Body Armor by a Person Convicted of a Violent Felony and Unauthorized Possession of Ammunition.

Jahkeem Perez, 24, Arrested and Advised of Rights for Firearm and Ammunition Charges

U.S. Virgin Islands – V.I. Attorney General Gordon C. Rhea announced that Jahkeem Perez, 24, appeared in V.I. Superior Court, St. Croix, on February 27, 2025, where he was advised of his rights. Perez faces charges of Carrying a Firearm Openly or Concealed, Possession or Sale of Ammunition, and Alteration of Identifying Marks on a Weapon.